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2018年11月07日 15:19   来源: 嘉兴日报-桐乡新闻    作者:胡宇翔

  Written by Hu Yuxiang


  At 8:50 a.m., October 29, a grid staff in Yuqiao Village of Wutong Street found during the patrol that a manhole cover near No. 90, Yuqiao Village was damaged. Through the “Integrated Information Platform for Grassroots Management” (referred to as “four platforms”), the information was quickly transmitted and within a few hours a solution came out. At 2:19 pm on the same day, staff in relevant department completed the replacing of the damaged manhole cover.


  The damage to the manhole cover was originally a trivial matter in the city, but the emergence of the problem and its solution reflected the management level and ability of a city. In this trivial matter, the ability of Tongxiang as a Smart City has once again been proven, and its pragmatic and efficient urban management capability is supported by China Mobile's high-speed and fast Internet service capabilities.


  Besides mobile phone network coverage, "four platforms", "mobile cloud", smart fire protection, smart monitoring, Internet of Things, big data, mobile office and other aspects all reflect the assistance of China Mobile in the construction of Tongxiang as a "Smart City". It quietly walked into our life and quietly had it changed.



  Simplified process & strong execution

  China Mobile, makes city activities smoother and more convenient




  Grassroots governance has always been one of the problems that plague urban governors. In Tongxiang, China Mobile fully docked with relevant government departments, setting smart management applications as an entry point to include the city management content of government departments into “four platforms”, in which way the instructions and tasks that would otherwise need to be communicated via traditional means have been transformed into "Online instructions" or "online tasks". As a result, "online assignment" throughout the whole process can be achieved and the efficiency of urban management services and the effect of comprehensive management can be enhanced.

  “Simple process, strong execution and high efficiency are characteristics reflected in the intelligent whole-network management mode.” The person-in-charge of China Mobile Tongxiang Branch commented. The “four platforms” will take advantage of the network, integrate business segments by applying APPs for grassroots governance, break down data barriers by adopting grassroots data sharing, realize the management and assessment of grid staff by recording their patrol trajectories, mileage and time, so as to promote effective integration and landing of the reform of “maximum one travel” mode.

  China Mobile also launched the “Mobile Workbench”, which provides a possibility for government departments to improve work efficiency and achieve online office work. “Gently click 'the mobile office OA' APP, you can see the contents of 8 sections such as 'to do list', 'to-be read documents', 'announcement notice', etc. With the assistance of these sections, it is convenient even for staff who are in another city."

  Zhu Qiang, manager of the government and enterprise department of China Mobile Tongxiang Branch, said that via all kinds of information applications of the government, enterprises and institutions, time and space problems which limited the staff has been solved with the assistance of the mobile work machine, so it is convenient to handle all kinds of matters anytime, anywhere, which truly speeds up and increases efficiency.



  Access data & save to “cloud”

  China Mobile, provides “security lock” to customers




  Zhejiang Desheng Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in R&D, production and sales of alloy steel frog products, which provides high quality railway equipment for the railway industry. By taking use of China Mobile's "on cloud" service, the data intelligent access and product information backtracking are truly realized.

  Since the second half of last year, each product manufactured from the “Desheng Railway” has a QR code. "Don't underestimate this little QR code, which contains a lot of information." According to the person in charge of Desheng Railway, by scanning this QR code, raw material information, production process and the product location, maintenance cycle information, etc. can all be traced back. All of these big data are stored in the "cloud" and can be extracted at any time. By storing and accessing big data, it is possible to provide accurate service time and the safe use rate of products can be improved.

  It is understood that the "Mobile Government Cloud" platform mainly provides cloud host, cloud storage, cloud database, cloud security, cloud load balancing and other resources and services for government departments at all levels, enterprises and institutions, which can effectively reduce the energy consumption, IT operation and maintenance cost for users, as well as improve resource utilization based on its characteristics of high reliability, short implementation period and flexible configuration. Up to now, more than 1,700 government departments, enterprises and institutions in the city have successfully applied "on cloud" service.



  Realizing "Dialogues" between things

  China Mobile provides efficiency and convenience through Internet of Things



  "In addition to building the 'Mobile Government Cloud' platform, we are also actively exerting our own advantages to create an 'Internet of Things' platform, so that customers can enjoy more intelligent services." The head of China Mobile Tongxiang Branch told reporters that the mobile Internet of Things will gradually realize "Smart and safe life". Based on the linkage warning and disposal of mobile Internet and NB-IOT network with high transmission capacity, the safe life of the city, the smart smoke detection, the smart gas detection and so on are combined with the smart well cover as the carrier of the safe life for families, thus can realize the comprehensive life and property protection for urban residents.

  Among them, "smart smoke detection" has spread out gradually in the whole city. “Once the smoke is detected, the 'Smart Smoke Detector' can upload information and alarm in real time and push out the alarms from multiple channels and multiple points. Relevant responsible persons can receive the alarms, effectively reducing the fire hazards.” The person in charge of China Mobile Tongxiang Branch revealed that at present, 800 “smart smoke detectors' have been deployed in the city and the blocks with old wooden houses such as Chongfu and Wuzhen are the key areas.

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